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General Education Assessment

2022 - 2024 Cycle

Update Fall 2023:  We are concluding the first year of EKU's two year General Education cycle.  Alongside your course-level assessment efforts is the launch of EKU's Experience Excellence plan, which has precipitated a refreshed approach to the EKU strategic planning and assessment process.  Please see the updates below about how this inproved approach affects the General Education assessment process. 

  • The General Education course assessment process will continue to have a two-year cycle
  • 2022-2023 was the Data Collection Year.  All GE courses were required to administer an integreated GE/QEP assessment activity during either Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 for data analysis and interpretation.
  • Please keep your data files on hand and available for fall. The data files will NOT be collected in between assessment reports.
  • Submit by April 1, 2024: A revised assessment and reporting form has been created - STAR for GE Courses - to use for Spring 2024 submissions.  Also updated are the Competency Blocks and Criterion
  • Submit completed STAR reports here
Questions? Please contact:

Erin Presley and JP Stearns (General Education Committee, Co-Chairs, 2023-2026) 

Jennifer Wies and Bethany Miller (Academic Planning and Assessment Committee Co-Chairs)

GE Assessment Forms for 2022 - 2024 cycle:
The revised GE Assessment STAR reporting form for Spring 2024 submissions. 
Updated Competency Blocks and Criterion - 2024
GE Rubrics - All Elements (evaluate only the two competencies per element identified in the Updated Competency Blocks and Criterion-2024)


GE Assessment Guidelines: 
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